Do you have a question about crude oil ownership (division orders) or your operation? Scan the list below for quick answers that should help clear up the most common issues and get you on your way.
Option 1: Register/Login to PakEnergy Exchange Web Portal
Option 2: Email
Option 3: Mail written letter to: CountryMark
Email change to
Email recorded copy of your Deed(s) or Assignment(s) to
Scheduled payment dates are the 10th and 20th of each month for the previous month’s crude oil purchases. Subject to change due to weekends and holidays. See Calendar for Crude Payments.
Option 1: Register/Login to the PakEnergy Exchange Web Portal.
Option 2: Email your request to
A 1099-MISC form is used to report your income to the IRS for crude oil purchases.
A 1099-NEC form is used to report your nonemployee compensation to the IRS for crude oil purchases.
Option 1: Register/Login to the PakEnergy Exchange Web Portal.
Option 2: Email your request to
Email your request to