1. Currently, many gasoline retailers provide fuels with a minimum level of deposit control detergent, which do not help prevent the build-up of deposits on fuel injectors or intake valves. This can lead to reduced engine performance.
2. The TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline Standard was established by seven of the world’s top automakers, including BMW, General Motors, Honda, Toyota, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and Audi. These engine manufacturers recognized that the current EPA minimum detergent requirements do not go far enough to ensure optimal engine performance.
3. A gas station selling TOP TIER detergent gasoline means all grades of gasoline offered meet the TOP TIER specification of increased detergency and no harmful metallic additives. This is the premier standard for gasoline performance, and is designed to ensure optimum engine performance.
4. Not all fuel retailers in the U.S. and Canada currently sell TOP TIER gasoline. All CountryMark PLUS Gasoline is TOP TIER certified. For a complete list visit: https://toptiergas.com/licensed-brands/
5. CountryMark PLUS Gasoline contains twice the EPA detergent requirement in both regular unleaded and premium grades. CountryMark PLUS Gasoline is formulated to remove any existing engine deposits and keep engines clean.
6. To maintain stringent TOP TIER certification, CountryMark submits on a regular basis gasoline quality documentation and verification to the TOP TIER certification group.
Chris Martin, a spokesman for Honda said “we’ve supported it [TOP TIER gasoline] because we’ve seen a benefit from it for our consumers in the long run.” He also said the average driver doesn’t know about detergent additives, they just look for the cheapest gas available but “TOP TIER fuel goes a step beyond that.”
Click here to find your closest CountryMark branded station, so you can fuel up with TOP TIER gasoline.